Stressful experiences can diminish one’s vibrational frequency and make it difficult to stay in a centered and joyful space where life flows with great ease, grace and inner peace.
To raise one’s vibrational frequency during difficult experiences, one must start with GRATITUDE. Being grateful is the most powerful tool one possesses for gaining control of one’s centeredness.
It is not enough, while being in a state of emotional turmoil, to simply think, “I to choose to be happy now,” for the mind and body simply do not believe it.
A key factor in moving from a stressed state to one of joy, one must start small. A car cannot instantly go from 0 to 60mph soley by stepping on the accelerator. This only happens thru a gradual increase in speed.
The same is true for raising one’s vibrational frequency to that of joy, calm and centerednesss.
The “How To”:
- Have the AWARENESS of the feeling you are experiencing that has been triggered by whatever the stressor may be.
- Have the INTENTION to do something about it.
- Take ACTION to step out of the “victim” role. (I am choosing to alter my focus and stop blamming.”)
- Be GRATEFUL. Start small! One needs to find gratitude in the simplest of things, i.e., (“I am grateful for my bed and pillow” then focus on how your comfortable bed and soft pillow make you feel. Then begin to build on those thoughts, (“I am grateful for my dog, my cat, my friends, my children”) and again focus on how each one of these things brings you joy. Really feel into each startement. Or, (“I am grateful I have shoes to wear”) etc. Let the flow of these thoughts and focus continue to flow and slowly raise your vibration.
Take note of how each thought of gratitude lightens your heart a little more. There is a palpable shift that is occuring here. And with it, a greater awareness, understanding, centeredness and self-empowerment thru gaining control of your emotions.
If you find this impossible, it may require you to look deeper into the emotional patterns that keep recurring which keep one from a life of joy, a life where all things become possible. A life of deep inner peace.